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Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States : The Regulation of the Overseas Workplace download TXT, MOBI


This book examines U.S. efforts to regulate the foreign workplace. The United States imposes extraterritorial standards by private rights of action or by trade and investment incentives. Some standards apply only to nationals working overseas, while others apply to the workforce in general. This book reviews the development of international fair labor standards, the relationship between the United States and the various international organizations involved with workplace conditions, and the unilateral efforts of the United States to regulate foreign labor conditions., This book examines US efforts to regulate the foreign workplace. It addresses extraterritorial employment standards, or legislation that transcends US territorial boundaries. The United States imposes extraterritorial standards by private rights of action or by trade and investment incentives. Some standards apply only to nationals working overseas, while others apply only to workforce in general. This book reviews the development of international fair labour standards, the relationship between the United States and the various international organisations involved with workplace conditions, and the unilateral efforts of the United States to regulate foreign labour conditions.

Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States : The Regulation of the Overseas Workplace read DJV, PDF, TXT

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